

The goal of Dumpster Decorators(tm) is to share

Creating new things out of old things
Clothing refashions
Tips and tricks and whatever else strikes our fancy

The time worn and tattered
Rust and crust
Old signs, plaques and trophies
Barn wood
Salvage of just about any kind
Vintage images
French wire, zinc, and fencing
Old Roses
Sterling home accessories and flatware
The chippy and the shabby
Old metal cabinets and iron furniture
Silver plate
Old mirrors and frames
Nautical Salvage
Worn and weathered
Old carts of and pallets of metal or wood
Vintage buttons, linens, trims, and ribbons
Shells and Coral
Lab glass
Grain sacks and burlap
Military ribbons, blankets and bags....

The list could go on and on

To sum it up if your into DIY, sewing, junk, fleamarkets, etc or
re-creating things into something new this place may be for you!

The idea for this blog is well over a year old and has sat in unpublished mode without getting into the why's of what what wrong it's finally here in a place all it's own.